Hatching chicks with a broody hen.

Once chicks hatch Mom may stay on the nest a day or two, but after that she will likely remain on the floor with them.

While a hen sets expect to remove eggs that other hens lay daily, or shut the crate so other hens can't get in.
That’s why I wanted a space for the hen and chicks, larger than just the nest, because half of the coop floor is pooped on during the night, due to the roost placement. Where the extra laying nest/brooder crate is, they won’t get pooped on at night.
Okay. So you’re saying broody hens don’t mind if other hen lay new eggs in their nest. I don't mind that. And I do mark the ones I want hatched, so that shouldn’t be an issue. As long as the hen doesn’t mind, I don't mind fishing new eggs out of her clutch every day. 👍🏻 Thank you!
So you’re saying broody hens don’t mind if other hen lay new eggs in their nest.
Most of my broody hens don't mind. Most of my hens are willing to share a nest while laying an egg. I've had as many as three hens in my 16" x 16" nests laying at the same time with all other nests empty. But most does not mean all. I've had some that did not want to share at all. Not many but some, broody or just laying an egg. Each chicken had its own personality, you never know for sure what an individual will do.
Most of my broody hens don't mind. Most of my hens are willing to share a nest while laying an egg. I've had as many as three hens in my 16" x 16" nests laying at the same time with all other nests empty. But most does not mean all. I've had some that did not want to share at all. Not many but some, broody or just laying an egg. Each chicken had its own personality, you never know for sure what an individual will do.
I added more nesting material to the new brooding crate last night. Hopefully they will be okay to share & the other hens won’t cause a major fuss because they can be in there with their own nest. We’ll see if that’s good enough for them! 🤷🏼‍♀️
I totally get what you’re saying. A couple chickens do the raptor-squawk if another hen is approaching. If they end up doing that, while actually being broody, I can close the crate to let her do her thing in (relative) peace. But none have shown much interest in being a mom this year, so far. It’s still technically late winter. We’ll see! Thanks for your input!! 🙏🏻

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