have a rooster problem

Some roosters understand how easy it is to bully their human. This is not desirable. Your rooster will continue to escalate his aggression. You must stop this in its tracks.

There are tons of threads and articles on how to deal with an aggressive rooster. Start with the threads suggested below. And here is my article on dealing with a newly minted rooster. https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/i-think-i-have-a-cockerel-now-what-do-i-do.76274/
I carry a stock yard stick with me
and that seems to help

its going to be real cold in my part of NC this week
but if I can find a way to catch him when it gets warmer
he's going to chicken jail for a few weeks
if that does not work its the stew pot
If you're going to try jail, I'd keep him there for a week or 2. Tbh though I am not terribly optimistic about him
Going to keep him separate till next week
and hand feed him in the cage
I ordered him on 08/26/2024 and he has small spurs
so not a danger yet
but if this does not work out by march/april
I will give him to a relative to cull

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