Hay for bedding and warmth


May 28, 2024
Hi everyone, just a quick question (and to hopefully ease my nerves). I have 5 geese in a small coop with pallet flooring. I covered the sides with tarp and put some old saddle blankets up to keep drafts out. I have pine shavings for bedding and on top of that about 3 bales worth of grass hay that I clean and fluff daily.

It's been getting in the teens to 0F at night, I know straw is better for warmth but is the hay doing anything for them? I won't be able to get straw until the weekend. I'm mostly worried about frostbite (one of the ganders' eye, the orange ring around it, is a bit white colored after a cold snap).

It's about 17F out now in the day and they're splashing around, despite the ice forming on their feathers, so I assume they'll be fine but still, they're my babies lol
How small is a small coop? I can’t imagine it’s very small if it can fit several bales of hay in there all at once. My 2 Geese just have pine flakes in their little 4x6 house. I might toss in a little straw on top this week just because it’s getting down to almost zero at night. But still, I am not convinced they really need it.

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