Head injury? Hen not walking after pecking incident....


11 Years
Jan 4, 2014
I have a 2.75 year old ISA brown (who is my egg eater) that I was trying to include in my retirement girl coop. She was in a wire cage in their coop for TEN days. This past Saturday, I opened her cage door and within 10 min her comb was bloodied and she was not moving.

Brought her to the house. No open wounds or bruising on her body.... just her comb area. Gave her the usual vite/electrolytes/scrambled eggs/pellets. Appetite good, laying (can't move so cant eat them), chatty seems perfectly normal otherwise.

She is 'mobile. She tries to push up to standing when she sees me. Doesn't fully succeed. Her one foot seems to have trouble unfurling... but both feet seem to work...grasping, flexing. Just slow. Sometimes it looks like she is dozing... which i think is a little odd... but perks up right away.

Any idea of what I could be dealing with?

Edit... she is pushing herself up much better today. I'm betting she must be sore??
Well, the pictures of her really don't say much, except for the healing pec k marks on her head.

She is actually improving. Her feet are opening more and she is pushing uo to her hocks more easily. She balances on her wings and then settles back down again. So yeah, I'd say she is feeling better.

I wonder if she had slipped going down the ramp or something also.

I feel bad... I purposely let her out so I could keep an eye on how she was doing with the other girls and I must have blinked and missed what happened.

Thank you for your response!!

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