Good morning. I have a 24 week old barnevelder (not yet laying) who has a significant head tremor this morning. I noticed a head twitch a couple weeks ago, and thought it was related to the noise of having a couple trees removed. Yesterday, we had our ceiling cleaned (also noisy) and the twitch has turned into a tremor this morning. We just completed a round of wormer (AquaSol), but the twitch had started prior to the wormer. She has been eating and her poop appears normal. This morning, she did not come out of the hen house with the rest of the flock (who are not showing any head twitching), and is sitting on the roost. No signs of mites or lice, but will look closer. No scratching at ear/head. I will be isolating her this morning. She has always been a little more flighty than the others. Attached video from this morning. Any ideas would be hugely appreciated.