Heat stroke maybe?


Dec 7, 2020
So I went to put more water in the cow trough and discovered a chick in it. Chick is about 3 to 4 months old. (Still sounds like a baby chick) It must have fallen in and I have no idea how long it's been in there. It got to about 81 degrees F today and I noticed the water was kind of warm when I pulled it out. I gave it some food and it doesn't want to drink cool water. It's shaking, but making happy trilling sounds while wrapped in a towel. Is there anything I should or shouldn't do for it? This chick has had it rough. This chick has had it rough since it hatched.
It's feathers are saturated with water and the towel doesn't seem to be drying it. Should I use a blow dryer on low?. I think it's face is burned too.
81 doesn't seem hot enough for heat stroke unless there is a lot of humidity.

Yes use a blowdryer not too close to the chicken because that air gets really hot. It might take a while to get it dry.

I'm thinking it just fell in and couldn't get out.
I used a blow dryer. It's still wobbly when I set it down, so it's upstairs with my daughter. Probably keep it there for the night. It's really really happy though. All the other chickens already went to the coop and it's mom - she rarely remembers she even had it so she's no help.
Thank you!

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