Hello, as would be the crossing of New Hampshire + sussex?


In the Brooder
Oct 29, 2023
Hello I am from Chile and I am starting in this poultry farming I am thinking of making the crossbreeding of 2 pure breeds to obtain hybrid hens of high posture I am interested in making the crossbreeding of white ermine sussex male and New Hampshire hen (I would like to know if anyone has made this crossing and if it is good in egg production also as they would be in appearance of plumage color? (greetings breeders).
Welcome to BYC! :frow Do you have any pictures you can share of this 'white ermine Sussex'? I've never heard of this pattern and am wondering if it's a name difference between countries or just a variety of Sussex I've never heard of before. I have never made such a cross so cannot tell you what the egg production would be like other than that both breeds are generally good layers so likely would make more good layers. But if I know the patterns of the parents, then I should be able to give you an idea of what the offspring will look like. 🙂
Thanks, Aps!... I think it is due to a name difference as it is the classic color sussex.
Ah, yup, that's what we call Light Sussex here in the U.S. Handsome guy!

Both parents have a Columbian-type pattern so the offspring will be similar, pattern-wise, in their feathering. Female offspring of this cross should look like their father, while males should be a yellowish or 'golden' color sort of in between the parents' colors. This is not a sexlinked cross, so these differences will not be apparent at hatch, only later as the chicks feather in.

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