Hello From New Hampshire


Mar 12, 2025
New Hampshire
Hey there everyone, just wanted to introduce myself real quick! I am from New Hampshire and I am getting chickens for the first time this year and I am sure I will have many questions along the way. I have seen information posted on BYC for the last few days and decided to join the fun. Like I said above I am new to all of this so any tips you have would be appreciated! I am planning on getting 24 chickens of mixed variety for egg production, and I am repurposing an 8x10 shed that I have and turning it into a coop as well as building a fairly sizable enclosed run.

I'm excited to learn all I can here!
:frow hi, welcome! Glad to have you. I have an 8 x 10 coop and I must tell you, 24 chickens is about the maximum a shed that size will accommodate, and that, only if the chickens all have peaceful temperaments and you have no bullies. Chicken math being what it is , and you saying you want to increase your flock, you might want to build bigger from the start.
Sorry, I must have read that wrong, I really thought you said you planned to get more chickens later. My apologies. (But trust me, chickens are addictive!)

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