Hello from Troy, NH!


Dec 2, 2015
I have recently acquired a Buff Orpington hen from someone who was trying to re-home her. (This is a third home the hen has had -- her first owners abandoned her and her friend.)

Somewhere along the way, this poor hen was de-toed. Couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw her. She seems to get around okay, but I'm worried about the day that I integrate her with my other hens (12 + 1 rooster, mixed breeds). Will she be okay?
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Oh your poor hen :hugs I hope she is very happy now she has a stable home with you, I'm sure she will be and very grateful too. I'm not sure what to suggest for her being de toed but I see you have posted in the emergencies section. I'm sure members there will be able to advise you.

Wishing you the very best of luck in the future. Enjoy BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. As long as she is getting around okay, she should do fine with the rest of the flock. Just be sure when you introduce her to the flock to do so slowly and carefully using the "look but don't touch" method. There is a good article at https://poultrykeeper.com/general-chickens/introducing-new-chickens/ explaining how to do. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with the new hen.
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!

Since she has come from an unstable beginning - you may want to quarantine her for a month or so - to be sure she isn't harboring mites, lice, worms or possibly disease that could spread to your flock. Poor thing, it would also give her a chance to get settled before she is integrated into the flock.
Hello. I am quarantining her in my sunroom...(she keeps my bulldog company). She's coming back from a molt right now, so am feeding her a bit more protein, etc., to get her feathers growing well. Her comb and wattles are already looking better and healthier, so I think she's doing very well. Plan to integrate her very slowly into the flock. Thanks to all for your great advice! Will send a pic.

Sally's Mom.

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