

In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2024
Hi everyone, new member here.

I've been raising chickens and ducks for a few years now. I've got an Americauna, Sapphire Gem, and a couple of Brahmas (light & dark). I also have two Cayugas (drake & hen) and a Pekin hen.

Every time I have a question about raising these interesting creatures, BYC is almost always the first place I turn to. So now, it's time to finally join the flock and share my experiences and lessons learned.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

So glad you decided to join us. How wonderful to hear BYC has been so helpful to you in the past, this is the only place to be when you keep poultry!

Make yourself at home here and if you have any questions about anything, be sure to ask.

Welcome to our community!

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