HELP! 2 year old silkie hen possible wry neck


Oct 23, 2024
Sorry this is long but I don’t know what to do

Saturday I went out to my coop to find one of my 2 year old silkie hens laying down with her head kinked under her. That is when I realized she probably has wry neck. I removed her from the flock and moved her to a contained area. I offered her food and water and immediately she started eating and drinking with help from me supporting her neck. Sunday and Monday I offered her small amounts of shredded spinach as google said this could help. Over the next few days she began to improve. Last night Monday she was able to hold her head up on her own she still had it kinked but she was able to eat and drink on her own. She was also able to walk around normally. I last check on her at 1:30 in the morning. Tuesday morning I didn’t check on her as I was late to school and in a rush. But when I returned from school at about 3:30 I found her limp on her back with her neck kinked and tucked worse than before. One of her eyes was shut closed and the other was wide open with gunk in it. I cleaned her eyes and was able to get her to open her one eye but she then kept it closed. I would try to prop her up but she would immediately fall back and go onto her back and go limp. This is when I noticed she had lice again. Last year my flock had a lice infestation and I was able to get rid of them but they mist have come back. I tried to offer her her food and water but she refused it. She couldn’t even hold her head up. I checked her crop and she had food in but. I then checked her mouth and throat to see if she was choking on anything but there was nothing.I was able to help her get some water down but I was worried she would aspirate and be unable to swallow it. The way her neck was kinked and tucked she had a hard time breathing. I propped her with a towel to help her not fall onto her back and to help her breathe better. She just lays there. I just don’t understand what happened and how she declined so fast. Being a worried chicken owner I searched up more things and am worried she could possibly have mareks disease. And am worried it could be going through the rest of my flock. I just don’t know what to do. She is one of my sweetest hens and I would be distraught to lose her. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any advice would be wonderful!

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