First time chicken owner here. I have a hen that I received from another farm this summer and they were in the middle of a molt. Today I noticed that this girl is bleeding from her wings. She has at least 5-6 broken pin feathers (blood feathers). I have read different things that you should pull them out or stop the bleeding. I have removed her from the flock washed off the blood and put flower on them to stop the bleeding (this is what it said online to use). Should I still remove the broken pin feathers or wait and see if the bleeding stops! Let me know! Thanks in advance.
First time chicken owner here. I have a hen that I received from another farm this summer and they were in the middle of a molt. Today I noticed that this girl is bleeding from her wings. She has at least 5-6 broken pin feathers (blood feathers). I have read different things that you should pull them out or stop the bleeding. I have removed her from the flock washed off the blood and put flower on them to stop the bleeding (this is what it said online to use). Should I still remove the broken pin feathers or wait and see if the bleeding stops! Let me know! Thanks in advance.