Help!!! Chicken layed egg duct??


9 Years
Nov 11, 2015
Help!!! We think our chicken layed her egg duct. It was 4-5 days ago, the hen seems fine. Post possible causes please!!!
It's hard to tell from my phone, but it looks like a simple egg fart (an egg without a shell forming around it).

My chickens have done this from time to time.

Is that a yolk and chalaza?
How old is she? Make sure that she is eating a layer feed, and give her some free choice calcium, such as crushed egg shells or oyster shell. If she has something internally wrong with her shell gland or is laying internally, there isn't much else you can do This can be normal in a young pullet.
So the hen is about 2 years old. I'm Bl Copper Marans mom (she's at grandmas, it's grandmas hen). Normal laying to date, not over weight, has free choice layer feed with calcium along with calcium offered separately via both crushed egg shells and oyster shells. I saw the first egg today as well. The white clumps are hard and crumble when crushed. It's definitely not a normal soft shell that's for sure. Hen seems fine other than this. Did I miss anything girls? I'll figure out how to post a pic of the crumbly stuff from earlier lol.

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