Help! Chicken not walking


6 Years
Jun 18, 2016
This is my 5 month old rooster, I believe. I was locking them up a few nights ago and noticed he couldn’t get up. He just stands up straight and can waddle a little then usually falls on his back or lays down. What do you think is wrong with him? He eats and drinks normally.


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This is my 5 month old rooster, I believe. I was locking them up a few nights ago and noticed he couldn’t get up. He just stands up straight and can waddle a little then usually falls on his back or lays down. What do you think is wrong with him? He eats and drinks normally.
Can you get a photo of his poop? Does he have a hard time pooping?
Have you looked at his vent?
Any chance he could have been injured or into a fight with another cockerel - look through his feathers to make sure there are not wounds or bruising.
Is his crop empty in the morning before he eats/drinks?
While you are checking him out, look for lice/mites, at his legs for any injury/scaly mites, bottom of feet too.
I'm not too sold on this being Marek's. It could be genetic, some type of spinal injury, I just don't know. I would try giving 1/2 tablet of B-Complex and Vitamin E.
There is an old thread that looks very similar to your fella's condition, it has a video as well. Sadly, the OP didn't follow up with an update, but the last post, she did notice that one leg seemed out of place/off and she taped it up - not sure how she did it, but it seemed to be helping.
Hopefully @Eggcessive or @coach723 will chime in with their thoughts as well.
He does have a strange appearance. His crop looks to be quite large for his slim appearance. How does it feel—full and hard or puffy? Check to see if it has emptied overnight. Has he been eating and drinking? What do you feed him? Can you look over his spine and breast bone and his legs for any skeletal deformities? Those can cause kinky back, a crooked keel or breastbone, and crooked legs, bowlegged or knock kneed appearance. The vitamin B complex and E would be good to try.

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