Help! Chicken with foot issue

Chicken poppy

Fashionably late 🎤🦆
May 9, 2021
So earlier i found my bantam roo had trouble standing without lifting his foot up. He’s been indoors so no outdoor injury could have happened. He just started holding it up and slightly curling his toes. Now he’s started to limp, and i’m confused. I saw no injury, redness, swelling, no cuts, no bumble foot, the foot seemed clean and fine, what could have happened so suddenly? He enjoys “flying” and i noticed he refused to do it, so that also makes me worried. I’ll attach a photo but any advice is greatly appreciated.
Heres a video and a photo. It’s the one he’s holding up and he won’t put it down.
Is his left leg a bit swollen above the toes? Could it be broken? How old is Poppy? Was he vaccinated for Mareks? Have you added any new birds in recent weeks or months? In the second picture it looks a bit swollen to me, but you would be the best judge in person. If it is swollen it is probably an injury or fracture. If not swollen, I would worry that he has sprained his leg, but Mareks is always a possibility. Does he fly inside the house? Human vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily given orally or in food/water might help his curled under toes, but that can be nerve damage.
Is his left leg a bit swollen above the toes? Could it be broken? How old is Poppy? Was he vaccinated for Mareks? Have you added any new birds in recent weeks or months? In the second picture it looks a bit swollen to me, but you would be the best judge in person. If it is swollen it is probably an injury or fracture. If not swollen, I would worry that he has sprained his leg, but Mareks is always a possibility. Does he fly inside the house? Human vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily given orally or in food/water might help his curled under toes, but that can be nerve damage.
I’ll check if it’s swollen in the morning.
It seemed to happen really randomly so i’m not sure what he could have broke it on, but i suppose it is possible.

He’s two years old. Not vaccinated for Mareks but he seems perfectly fine other than the limp, not lethargic or eating any less.

Since the weather has been colder i’ve been keeping them in a contained area in the house for the most part. He doesn’t have free range.

Okay, i can try giving that in the morning. Should i try to wrap or splint? I’m worried it’ll get worse and i want to try fixing it before it gets to that point.

Is any vitamin B complex tablet fine?
Is his left leg a bit swollen above the toes? Could it be broken? How old is Poppy? Was he vaccinated for Mareks? Have you added any new birds in recent weeks or months? In the second picture it looks a bit swollen to me, but you would be the best judge in person. If it is swollen it is probably an injury or fracture. If not swollen, I would worry that he has sprained his leg, but Mareks is always a possibility. Does he fly inside the house? Human vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily given orally or in food/water might help his curled under toes, but that can be nerve damage.
Isn't he just a handsome Lil'Guy! I love his crow❤️

I agree, the way he's holding the foot, it makes me think he's injured it somehow.
Check his foot for swelling, it's hard to tell in photos sometimes.
You can try giving the feet soaks in a warm epsom salts bath if you wish.

Vitamin B-Complex any kind is fine to give. I'd give him 1/4tablet a day.
Isn't he just a handsome Lil'Guy! I love his crow❤️

I agree, the way he's holding the foot, it makes me think he's injured it somehow.
Check his foot for swelling, it's hard to tell in photos sometimes.
You can try giving the feet soaks in a warm epsom salts bath if you wish.

Vitamin B-Complex any kind is fine to give. I'd give him 1/4tablet a day.
Thank you!

I will be sure to try that tomorrow. Do you think it’ll take long to heal?

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