help!! Eggs left out of incubator for 3 hours and were cold to the touch. Are they ruined?


Nov 25, 2024
I've been incubating 2 indian runner duck eggs for 19 days and I took the eggs out for their 30 minute cool down and accidentally fell asleep. I placed the eggs in warm water to try warm them up and then put them back in the incubator. I candled them quickly and can still see all the veins but no movement :( have I killed these poor babies 😢
Leaving them out for 3 hours will do nothing, but putting them in warm water could have very well caused damage. Egg shells are permeable and will absorb water this can drown the ducklings and/or cause bacteria to penetrate the pores on the egg killing the ducklings.
I've been incubating 2 indian runner duck eggs for 19 days and I took the eggs out for their 30 minute cool down and accidentally fell asleep. I placed the eggs in warm water to try warm them up and then put them back in the incubator. I candled them quickly and can still see all the veins but no movement :( have I killed these poor babies 😢
placing them in water was a bad move........... you will have to wait and see, but if they were in water, my worry would be drowning rather than freezing.
They were placed in lukewarm water for no more than a minute and then placed back in the incubator. I candled both of the eggs today, as it happened last night and there is movement in both eggs 😃 I'm hopeful they will be okay, I read online to put the eggs in warm water to get them to a higher temperature fast it said this shouldn't cause harm. My guess is that they might be slightly delayed in hatching from what another user has said.
I have seen a guy float eggs in water to check for movement.The eggs hatched.How long were they in water?
placing them in water was a bad move........... you will have to wait and see, but if they were in water, my worry would be drowning rather than freezing.
They were only in water for around a minute and the top of the egg where the air sac is was exposed (sticking out of the water) so I'm hoping that shouldn't cause any problems. They are on day 19 and I've been misting the eggs everyday so I assume a quick dunk in water would not be much different. There is movement today so I'm very hopeful 😃
They were only in water for around a minute and the top of the egg where the air sac is was exposed (sticking out of the water) so I'm hoping that shouldn't cause any problems. They are on day 19 and I've been misting the eggs everyday so I assume a quick dunk in water would not be much different. There is movement today so I'm very hopeful 😃
that's good to hear. hopefully they hatch soon😁:fl

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