
❤️ Exodus 20:8-11 ❤️
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Mar 5, 2019
SE Missouri, USA
Yeah, they're not real ladybugs, I know! They're Asian Lady Beetles, and they are SWARMING! They stink, they bite, they are covering the sides of the house and crawling into every crevice and crack. There is nothing cute about them! What to do. What to do?

Don't despair, I have a cheap, easy, fast, non-toxic cure! You'll need a spray bottle, a bottle of Old English Lemon Oil (look in the furniture polish aisle) and a drop or two of dish soap.


Mix the lemon oil about half and half with water in your sprayer bottle, then add a drop or two of dish soap. Add the sprayer and shake well. Then, go spray the dickens out of these little biting monsters. Spray your exterior walls and around your windows, especially the seams and cracks they're coming through. Spray your screens. Then go inside and do the same around your windows and doors, doorjambs, window frames. If they're already in the house spray the ones on your ceilings and walls. Many will drop like stones. Others will die as they walk on the sprayed surfaces. In about half an hour your home should be free of the pests.

About five years ago I did this and did not clean up right away, and had not seen but one or two of these nasty critters again until yesterday. We got another invasion of then yesterday, and I used this treatment again. In half an hour they were practically all gone. Don't worry about getting this oil mixture on your windows, it cleans up easily. And it's well worth the effort!

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