
May 6, 2023
so yesterday 8/8 I had some silkies hatching out. I kept going outside regularly to check since when I went out in the morning I found one in the coop barely alive (passed hours later) which I figured was maybe just an accident it got knocked out from one of my other hens trying to go in until it happened with the next one, Three total hatched and two are now dead. One has managed to stay alive which I really am not sure how as one eye got pecked and it was laying there cold and wet when I got it. I am not sure what to do with it as it is gaining strength but still can’t walk normal and flops around a lot, it still chirps and seems to enjoy being held and getting head scratches. It started to stand this morning but it can’t get its butt off the ground when it does it. Is there anything I can do to help it or is it just a wait it out situation?
It is never ideal to set hens in a coop with other hens as there is too much traffic which can lead to the demise of hatching chicks. In this case, did you actually see the mother attack the chicks? It could have been her or any of the others.
I've had a first time mom kill her chicks before. It's very sad. I feel your pain. Sometimes it just happens and is down to her character. I would never let her get broody again, if you are sure it's the mom.

I have seen people keep broody hens and the hatched chicks in the coop alongside regular hens, but I've never done that. I always keep them separated even if it's just a wire mesh.

I have tried to look after a chick that survived such an incident, but it died eventually. I can't offer advice there, because I always let hens do the job for me, I never incubate.
It is never ideal to set hens in a coop with other hens as there is too much traffic which can lead to the demise of hatching chicks. In this case, did you actually see the mother attack the chicks? It could have been her or any of the others.
I fenced it off after as I haven’t had issues doing it before. Even when it was fenced off she still threw the next one out so I’m assuming. Seems like she rolled them out before even being fully hatched out?
I fenced it off after as I haven’t had issues doing it before. Even when it was fenced off she still threw the next one out so I’m assuming. Seems like she rolled them out before even being fully hatched out?
Understood. I had a first time mother Shetland Hen do something similar this spring. She neglected the first one and last one to hatch. The five others were okay but I didn't trust her so I fostered them with a Cochin Bantam and she took them in like they were her own.

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