Help! Mange Mites in Pigs


Feb 18, 2020
We got two feeder pigs not quite two weeks ago and we noticed a few days later that one was scratching a lot. It got worse over time and we saw red spots and patches forming. We realized something was wrong and figured out its most likely mange mites. We’ve had pigs in the past but never dealt with this.

We did a pour over ivermectin treatment on both of them on Saturday. So far we can’t see any improvement, and now the infected pig has an open wound on her back leg from scratching.

How long does it usually take to see improvement? I know that injections and oral treatments are done as well, but I’d rather not go that way if we don’t have to.
Hi, if you're using bedding, throw it all out, it's infested. Get your pigs onto a clean spot and rub some sulfur ointment all over the itchy areas. I actually just use pyrethrum powder n my dog, when he gets that(catches it from strays) but sulfur ointment stays on longer, and works just as fast. With any effective treatment, you should see no more scratching in 2 days. The only bedding I can use for hogs is bananaleaf or some other slick leaf.. I've had bad experiences with hay, straw, sawdust and woodchips.

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