Help me! My button quail's cloaca is swollen!

Poppy K

In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 3, 2014
I only have two Chinese painted hens. But sadly, my Asian blue female has a swollen vent. Can anyone tell me how to fix it? She doesn't seem very bothered by it. She just looks somewhat uncomfortable. Thank you:yiipchick

I need to clean it very often
Have you changed the diet? Is she showing other signs of illness? Is she drinking a lot more then normal? Looks like diarrhea, is it or is it just on the vent? How long has this been going on? If she looks and acts ill you may need to take her to a vet. You could try electrolytes in her water first and some low stress environment. Good luck.
Thanks. She has been sleeping all day for about 2 days. She is still eating seeds, and I seperated her from all the others. I often sit with her, and she falls asleep before I even sit down.
Sorry for the bother, but my other female, my blue face has some kind of leg injury. She doesn't always sit like this, so I'm not sure if it is splayed
splay effect new hatch chicks this looks like a boink injury or what type of flooring are you using? Brain injury? is she eating and drinking? is she in a cage by herself?
She is not by herself, and she is eating and drinking. She's an adult, so she can lay eggs, but it might of been from her slipping on the floor earlier today :(

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