Help me sex my chicks please!!


Jun 4, 2023
Hi all! Is it too early to try and sex my chicks? I'll list breed and ages below. Most are almost 6 weeks and one a few days older

I believe both the Ameraucanas are cockerels unsure about the rest. Interested to see what others think

1. Ameraucana, 5.5 weeks
2. Ameraucana, 5.5 weeks
3. Frizzle x easter egger, 6 weeks
4. Speckled Sussex, 5.5 weeks
5. Oliver egger, 5.5 weeks
6. Oliver egger, 5.5 weeks
7. Speckled Sussex, 5.5 weeks


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Way to early to determine confidently, but I think you have a couple that could go Cockerel at the moment, maybe another 4-5 weeks and we'll be able to give you a better answer. The ones you labeled SS, I've never had any that started off like those, I'm not convinced those are actually SS. Love the Frizzle by the way! :love
It is early, but 1 and 2 are cockerels, in my opinion. It will take more time for the others.
Agreed. OP, also due to your location in Australia I believe you have Araucanas rather than Ameraucanas. :) I saw a wheaten-based Speckled Sussex chick (in the US we have brown-based) and "Ameraucana" (a breed pretty exclusive to the US) in the same pen and figured something was up!
Agreed. OP, also due to your location in Australia I believe you have Araucanas rather than Ameraucanas. :) I saw a wheaten-based Speckled Sussex chick (in the US we have brown-based) and "Ameraucana" (a breed pretty exclusive to the US) in the same pen and figured something was up!
We have both Araucanas and Ameraucanas here in Australia.

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