HELP! My CCL roo has strange discoloring on his comb.

Coop de Grass

5 Years
Jun 30, 2015
South Brunswick, New Jersey

My roo has new discoloration on his comb.I suspect frostbite but have never seen it like this. He is 1 1/2 years old and this is the first time I've seen anything at all on his comb, What do I do?
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My roo has new discoloration on his comb.I suspect frostbite but have never seen it like this. He is 1 1/2 years old and this is the first time I've seen anything at all on his comb, What do I do?

It looks like frostbite damage to me, too. There are many recommendations for treating and preventing frostbite, like applying petroleum jelly, or Bag Balm - more info in this thread:

I have a rooster with a very large comb that's prone to frostbite, too. Making sure the ventilation in the coop is sufficient is important; the frostbite can result from a build up of moisture. My rooster liked to roost near a window, and I didn't realize how much of a draft was leaking in around and through the window until I checked it (I ended up covering it in clear plastic mil for the winter). Here's a link from the previously-mentioned thread:

Hope his comb heals soon!

Thank you!!! I have bag balm, so I will try that and hope for the best. Then I'll come back and read all the links. It hasn't been damp in the coop, but I think that there may be some air leaking in where I covered the windows with wood...
My Bielefelder Roo has the black on the tips of his comb, but nothing like the Crested Cream Legbar. I gave him a coating of Bag Balm as well - I have it in the house for my fingers which crack in the cold. Kaiser looked like he was wearing earrings because he got wood flakes on his wattles!

I am still trying to figure out ventilation vs drafts, but hopefully I will have nailed it by tomorrow when the freezing temps return.

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