Help my chick swallowed yarn


Dec 4, 2023
So I have a 4 day old golden maran chick and it swallowed a bunch of yarn and I’m not sure how much but it just happened, we could not pull it out we tried but failed so we cut the string and he swollowed the rest of it i don’t know what to do he hasn’t pooped recently and I need help. If anyone knows anything that will help please let me know ASAP.
The chick will probably pass the string on its own, chickens digestive systems are tough! Although it’s possible that the yarn could cause a blockage in the crop, making it impacted. You could try giving the chick some food mixed with water to push the string along, as well as very gently massaging the crop, and keep an eye on it to see if it’s pooping.
* as well as feeling the crop tonight, and comparing to a like aged baby if possible.
Repeat in the morning.
The crop should empty overnight. much yarn do you think the baby got?
You can feed it lots of rough sand which should grind the yarn down in the gizzard and allow proper passing though the rest of the digetive tract.

Let us know how it goes.

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