Help!! My quail broke her beak


In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2024
Los Gatos, CA
I found my quail this evening with a broken beak. I cleaned her up and she’s resting now in a brooder box, but my question is - should I take her to the vet?

I know beaks can grow back, but it seems to be hanging on by the skin on the roof of her mouth. She is being her normal self and kicking in her food, but I’m not sure if she can eat yet. She is also trying to preen herself which I think is wiggling the beak. I’m not sure if it will prevent healing and therefore risk infection and cause further damage.

Is this something we should immediately see a vet for? She is the only quail I have that I have hatched myself and I’m very bonded with her, so I don’t want to regret not doing everything I can.


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I've never had button quail but i have seen this in other poultry. find a quick drying super glue and very carefully apply just enough to keep the end of her beak from breaking off. until you know she can eat, wet some food and assist feed her.
Good luck!
I have a chicken that broke her beak when she was young, it split in half the long way. We honestly didn’t do anything for it, just watched her to make sure she could eat-she figured out how. The beak grew back just fine but she has a weird little bump on the side where the most damage was.

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