Help my Roo "Doodle" limping on one leg


Jun 8, 2024
So we noticed a couple months ago our rooster was limping just a little bit,like you really had to watch to notice it. So I gave him a epsom salt bath and it seemed to help him, until a bout a month ago, we noticed he was still limping, but noticeable at this point. When he's on the roost he has a hard time balancing or trembles a little bit.I've picked him up and checked,no bumblefoot,nothing visual that I can see, but when I start at feet and go up to thigh he trembles but no pecking at me or jumping or anything. So I did another bath in epsom salt,I noticed while in the bath he wouldn't put his leg down. When he's in the coop he puts some weight on it ,walks around, mounts the girls,but limping is worse. I have noticed that his good foot is like double the size of the hurt one. I didn't know TSC vet only sees cats and dogs,found out after I trecked him there. So now I have him in the run ,but in a small cage with food and water. I bought the aspirin usp but not sure on dosage, bought the natural spray for anti inflammatory, was going to make a sling seat for him ,but unsure if I should. I did give him lavender and hemp leaves to calm him down and help with pain because past 2 days has been alot on him. Help not sure what else I should do. My 12 girls and him are my first chickens so still learning. Any help or advice should be great. TIA...
How old is Doodle the rooster?Could you post any pictures of his feet and legs? Are there any bumblefoot scabs on either footpad? Injuries and sprains can be common, and in older roosters arthritis is also common. Aspirin 81 mg can be given 1/2 tablet can be given once or twice daily for 2-3 days. After that it can cause GI bleeding.

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