I have a small flock of six Australorps, almost two years old.
About two weeks ago, I started noticing some blood on a few eggs. (Photo attached.) It wasn’t a lot, but I’d never seen it before. A friend suggested since it was a minimal amount, maybe there was some pecking going on in the nesting box. It’s the end of winter and still very snowy. They’re probably bored—that seemed plausible. Everyone’s behavior and appearance has been normal, so I didn’t think much of it.
This past weekend, however, I went out to scoop poop and noticed some drops of blood on the poop board…then all along the bottom roost. (Photo of that attached as well.) It was still red but oxidized and covered with a little dust, so not super fresh. Then today, I found another egg with a speck of blood on it.
I’ve checked all but one hen’s butt (she’s hard to wrangle but I tried) and all have been normal. They sometimes scratch up glass in their run (we live on an old, old homestead) but I’ve checked everyone’s feet—normal. Poops look normal. Everyone’s eyes, combs, and behavior are normal. No one’s isolating themselves or droopy. I know chickens are great at hiding pain, though, so I’m still worried.
I’m going to try checking butts again tomorrow. Any theories, or anything else I should check? This is freaking me out and I’m about to put a camera in the coop to see if I can figure it out. I’m losing sleep over not knowing what’s going on!
P.S. I know my coop isn’t the cleanest in the world. Please don’t judge! This winter has been a lot and I have done the best I can with the time I have.
About two weeks ago, I started noticing some blood on a few eggs. (Photo attached.) It wasn’t a lot, but I’d never seen it before. A friend suggested since it was a minimal amount, maybe there was some pecking going on in the nesting box. It’s the end of winter and still very snowy. They’re probably bored—that seemed plausible. Everyone’s behavior and appearance has been normal, so I didn’t think much of it.
This past weekend, however, I went out to scoop poop and noticed some drops of blood on the poop board…then all along the bottom roost. (Photo of that attached as well.) It was still red but oxidized and covered with a little dust, so not super fresh. Then today, I found another egg with a speck of blood on it.
I’ve checked all but one hen’s butt (she’s hard to wrangle but I tried) and all have been normal. They sometimes scratch up glass in their run (we live on an old, old homestead) but I’ve checked everyone’s feet—normal. Poops look normal. Everyone’s eyes, combs, and behavior are normal. No one’s isolating themselves or droopy. I know chickens are great at hiding pain, though, so I’m still worried.
I’m going to try checking butts again tomorrow. Any theories, or anything else I should check? This is freaking me out and I’m about to put a camera in the coop to see if I can figure it out. I’m losing sleep over not knowing what’s going on!
P.S. I know my coop isn’t the cleanest in the world. Please don’t judge! This winter has been a lot and I have done the best I can with the time I have.