HELP Our mandarin ducklings keep dying


In the Brooder
May 8, 2024
Hi guys,
We got 6 3 month old mandarin ducks last June.
They started laying eggs early in March as we had a 70 degree day and then back to frost and snow.
We incubated the eggs that were laid early to see if they could be saved as none of the mums sat on the nests.
We had a lot of bad eggs during candeling which we tossed. Out of 40 eggs, less than 10 looked viable.
We had 1 hatch healthy a month ago. He lived for 3 days then from being fine died within 30 minutes after I checked on him. Glazed over white eye and stretched out belly up. It absolutely broke my heart as he seemed healthy.
Yesterday another one hatched after 31 days in the incubator.
We disinfected everything after the last one and got a new tote as a brooder that also got disinfected.
This chick hatched yesterday and had a right eye that was swollen.
We did the terramycin as we read online. He was pooping, drinking and eating a little bit today. He was running around and when we just went up to check on him same thing. Belly up with his neck and legs stretched out.
Please help!
All eggs that didn’t hatch we checked too and you can see they develop with fur and all extremities but don’t hatch.
I’ve only had Metzer farm runner ducklings so that was my only experience with ducklings and we had no issues.
If anyone has any ideas what this is or if we can do anything to make the others survive that would be great.
Thank you!
Are they warm enough what are you using for heat? They may need other food than chick feed. I hear to start give baby ducks egg yolk water.
Medicated chick feed can kill ducklings. They also need a higher protein feed than chicks. 22% - 24%

Must be kept warm 99.5 for first 4 weeks with a heat lamp.

Agreed. Look up Mandarin Ducklings and see if there is anything special they need.
Hi guys,
We got 6 3 month old mandarin ducks last June.
They started laying eggs early in March as we had a 70 degree day and then back to frost and snow.
We incubated the eggs that were laid early to see if they could be saved as none of the mums sat on the nests.
We had a lot of bad eggs during candeling which we tossed. Out of 40 eggs, less than 10 looked viable.
We had 1 hatch healthy a month ago. He lived for 3 days then from being fine died within 30 minutes after I checked on him. Glazed over white eye and stretched out belly up. It absolutely broke my heart as he seemed healthy.
Yesterday another one hatched after 31 days in the incubator.
We disinfected everything after the last one and got a new tote as a brooder that also got disinfected.
This chick hatched yesterday and had a right eye that was swollen.
We did the terramycin as we read online. He was pooping, drinking and eating a little bit today. He was running around and when we just went up to check on him same thing. Belly up with his neck and legs stretched out.
Please help!
All eggs that didn’t hatch we checked too and you can see they develop with fur and all extremities but don’t hatch.
I’ve only had Metzer farm runner ducklings so that was my only experience with ducklings and we had no issues.
If anyone has any ideas what this is or if we can do anything to make the others survive that would be great.
Thank you!
Medicated chick feed can kill ducklings. They also need a higher protein feed than chicks. 22% - 24%

Must be kept warm 99.5 for first 4 weeks with a heat lamp.

Agreed. Look up Mandarin Ducklings and see if there is anything special they need.

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