Help! Overly Agressive Rooster


7 Years
Oct 13, 2016
Hi All! I've got a small backyard flock that I started last summer with a slightly older rooster. He's never been my best friend but I could always work with or around him. In the last few weeks, he's gotten so badly agressive that he constantly attacks me.. draws blood - big bruises and it's making it very challenging to be in the yard at the same time or even get them new food and water. He's a great rooster when it comes to protecting his hens and always alerts me to danger but with picking him up, carrying him, kicking back, etc I can't get him to stop. Is there anything I can do to help besides getting rid of him? Any help is appreciated :).
Thanks! Jenn
Aggressive roos are the worst... I have 1 that is a bit aggressive, he used to be much worse but now anytime he comes at me with the slightest bit of aggression, I chase him until I think he gets the point for the day. I usually just walk or jog at him and corner him a few times to let him know that I'm the head rooster. Act to him the same way that he acts to you (or to something else he is trying to dominate), and do that every time you see him for a few days, he'll learn that you are in charge. Just my advice, I'm sure others will have more for you.
Yes, lol, I've picked him up by the neck a few times, that is a quick but effective method! I also have a no-crow collar on him that I tighten a bit when his crow gets louder - it seems that the louder he crows, the more aggressive he wants to get.

My no-crow collar is a piece of 2-sided velcro from Michael's, cost me about a dollar each. Way cheaper than the $20 name brand collars online.
Yeah, That could work.

I even would say this; Try to avoid him when his comb turns a bit purple, when it is? He is in a frisky or nasty mood, this will happen. The no-crow collar idea is useful too! ;)

-The Angry Hen
Thanks! Will try chasing him. I do pick him up by the tail (unfortunately the only way I can get a hold of him) every day for the last few weeks but he is totally unphased :(. Maybe I'll try chasing him.
This sounds terrible, but what I would do. I would catch my rooster (named bitey) and grab him by the feet, and just walk around with him. He would flap and flop and not like being upside down. But he would calm down for a while. I think its a dominance thing, and by doing that I established myself as being dominant. It did quit working after a while. Now when he runs up to me I try to overwhelm him by waving stuff over his head and walking towards him.
After reading on this thread, I think ill just defend myself, and not strike back. If he is like that with me, he will be like that with the girls. And im ok with the occasional hole in my leg.
One day ill get mad at him, and make chicken and dumplings.
Its my moms recipe, so my wife and kids will like it. My rooster will not.

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