Help Pekin Duck Hurt his hock

Feb 19, 2019
So I have an almost 1 year old Pekin/Rouen duck he is very large 8.8lbs

Long story short found him in the yard unable to use one leg. Put him in the tub and he’s able to move his leg but it won’t work from the ankle/hock down.

If I set him down and put his foot underneath him he can stand but not for long before loosing balance. If he lays down he can move his leg but gets stuck at the ankle because it won’t bend to get up underneath him so he just leaves it sticking out behind him.

Took him to vet who is more experienced with chickens unfortunately. Took x-rays no broken bones but she thinks could be a ligament tear in his hock because from the ankle down his leg won’t move on it’s own. She gave me pain meds and sent me on my way, said rest and bath time.

I don’t know what to do he gets Niacin in his food everyday. It’s not bumble foot.

Do I splint it? Wrap it to his body? He’s drinking not eating much and I just want to help him feel better.
:welcome sorry for the circumstances. I'd follow the vet's advice. Keep him contained in a small space so that he rests his leg. Daily swim time will provide exercise without putting pressure on the leg. It may be a good idea that his appetite is poor as he could probably stand to lose some weight. Good luck in rehabilitating him. Such injuries do have a tendency to reoccur.
I recently had a similar issue with my Pekin so I feel your pain! I had to bring her in the house, contain her in a play pin, and give her swim/float time in the bathtub. I didn't go to a vet so I didn't have pain meds - I just gave her lots of extra B complex vitamins and low dose aspirin every 4 hours. It took a while, maybe 2 weeks, before she could walk without a big limp. I think the main thing with Pekins is to keep their weight in check and remove any obstacles they could trip on - poor things are not the most graceful birds... Keep us posted - it may be a long recovery :hugs
Please follow vets advise and @sourland and @CrystaBub's advice hopefully with rest B complex liquid [how to give follows] You'll see your Rouen/Pekin up and going real soon. Water therapy is also important. If at all possible warm warm so muscles need to relax to heal.

Liquid B complex is found at TSC in cattle section it will say injectable but we give it orally. 1 ml a day over something like peas or meal worms.
also you can find human liquid B complex at any place that sells vitamins Walmart carries one. it will be 3ml a day. Reason for rec liquid b complex is it seems to help quicker when one is already having issues.
I agree with the other posters. Best to follow your vets advice and keep giving the b complex and pain meds.

Splinting - It's been my experience that it's better not to splint because splinting can actually do more harm than good. I found this out the hard way, so now, if I have one that does *not* have a fracture, I just keep them in a hospital cage and give them about 30 minutes a day in the tub.

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