HELP PLEASE injured Guinea


Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh county, OK
Found my young white male guinea cock laying in the run flapping and holding his n class back seizing. His chest is covered with blood from his toes which is bleeding from the nail, don’t know if he’s going to make it im probably going to put him down but I want to know if this can spread and how to prevent it. We did have a cold front last night that dropped the temp for high 50s and low 40s to the lows being in the 10s and highs barely below freezing in the 20s - 30s
He could be in.shock, did he get his toes caught somewhere? Can you put him in a warm place to get him warmed up and offer sweetened water. If you have it I would also dose with vitamin e and b complex.
He could be in.shock, did he get his toes caught somewhere? Can you put him in a warm place to get him warmed up and offer sweetened water. If you have it I would also dose with vitamin e and b complex.
His toes weren’t caught but the others were trying to bite him when I pocket him up so they may have attacked him, he passed in my hands after I posted this and I gave the others some hydrohen (probiotics vitamins electrolytes etc.) and I also have some human b complex should I give them some extra
I’m sorry you lost your boy. When birds are dying (ie heart attack), it looks very much like a seizure and they can catch their feet or beaks in the hardware cloth as they are passing.

His position looks very much like the hen I lost this spring to a presumed heart attack.
Oh no, I'm so sorry. How was his weight? Did he feel solid in your hands? What's your set up look like?
He was a healthy weight I didn’t see any changes and they have a 1/3 covered 180 sq ft covered run with all the sides cover to help with wind and in the run before his death including him was 5 guineas and 12 chickens plus they have 24/7 access to a warmer coop
I’m sorry you lost your boy. When birds are dying (ie heart attack), it looks very much like a seizure and they can catch their feet or beaks in the hardware cloth as they are passing.

His position looks very much like the hen I lost this spring to a presumed heart attack.
He was near a cage that I close and use for brooding chicks in the spring and he loved to perch on top of it so he may have caught his leg in while falling from a heart attack

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