Help please


Dec 4, 2024
We have two roosters and need only one. One is a jersey giant-that I purchased as a pullet. The second is an “Easter egger” that we hatched in the spring. My question is which one would be best to keep for both protection as well as fertilizing for future hatching. Thank you.
Which one do the hens like? Hens can choose to accept or reject sperm so if you want the most fertility keep the one they like. Other than that as said above breed has nothing to do with it.
Welcome @Theeds3 !
Were both hatched this spring? They aren't yet mature roosters, so there's time to sort them out.
Here we have zero tolerance for human aggression. Don't make excuses, eliminate either bird, or both, if that's happening.
Then, how do they get along with your hens and/ or pullets? Watch those flock interactions, and see who's most liked.
Any structural defects, not so much 'perfection', but poor structure that shouldn't breed on, is another cull point.
Do you have specific goals for offspring? Large size? Fast growth? Green eggs? Is either a better fit with the breed types you have?
How many females in your flock?
If things are peaceful, and you have many hens, you could keep both
and see who you like better in another month or three.

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