HELP: Rescued Hen w/Crop Issues

Aunt Angus

5 Years
Jul 16, 2018
Nevada County, CA
Here is a hen I rescued yesterday. She's seriously underweight but very active, alert, normal poops, eating, drinking.

Thus morning, she woke up with a partially full crop. I isolated her, withheld food, and massaged her crop (felt like a bean bag). Her crop emptied after a few hours.

But here's what it looked like. See the white bulge? Hard to get s good pic bc she won't hold still.

So she's seriously underweight and has crop issues. But eating, drinking, dustbathing, pooping fine. Any idea what's going on?

Is she just pigging out because she is starving?? Should I continue to withhold food, or give food in small amounts? I should mention she was guzzling down grit...
I think she maybe just didn’t have any grit at the previous property? So hopefully with the grit it will help her digest it better. I think she was likely also just starving. I don’t know about chickens but sometimes mammals like horses and stuff can get sick if they go from starving to suddenly getting really good nutrition so you might want to start her off slow just in case.
Thanks for the replies. I've always worried about making my chickens too fat. Now I have one who is waaaay too skinny, and I'm now thinking about what I might need to do to get her weight back up.

I have her on a mash of starter (higher protein). She has grit and oyster available. I gave her a some NutriDrench (that stuff is amazing).

Fingers crossed! I'm hoping she'll start looking like a proper hen again soon!
Thanks for the replies. I've always worried about making my chickens too fat. Now I have one who is waaaay too skinny, and I'm now thinking about what I might need to do to get her weight back up.

I have her on a mash of starter (higher protein). She has grit and oyster available. I gave her a some NutriDrench (that stuff is amazing).

Fingers crossed! I'm hoping she'll start looking like a proper hen again soon!
Sounds to me like you knew just what to do! Keep us posted! And that is so incredibly kind of you to take her in!

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