HELP, Rooster's throat IS clogged

How is your rooster now? Is it easy to remove stuff grown in his mouth? I hope he is ok.
That's either thrush or canker. You need meds for that.
I had a Serama rooster years ago that had white stuff building up in his throat. I loved my little Gandolph, he was 1 of my very 1st Seramas. It had seemed to be making it difficult for him to breathe clearly and easily. I posted my question and pictuses here on BYC and someone said it was thrush and to get a fish/fish tank antibiotic at an aquarium supply store. I found it at Petco. It worked and he healed up quickly. I was so grateful.
Does the material inside his throat smell rotten, or not? Canker or histomoniasis stinks, while yeast/fungus does not. Canker can be treated with metronidazole and a couple of other medications. Yeast/fungus is treated with anti-fungal drugs such as nystatin, Medistatin, fluconazole, or acidified copper sulfate. Removal of the material may help, but it can bleed. Canker can invade the tongue, throat, esophagus, and crop wall. Since it is contagious to others, I would separate the bird, and disinfect all feeders and waterers. A vet could take some of the material and look at it under a microscope to tell if it is fungal or cancer.

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