

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Dec 6, 2024
My Coop
My Coop
My chicken snowball is feeling bad! She has little energy and haven’t been walking around with the rest of the flock. She has been sitting down in the run. She has a little bit of an open mouth but she has been a sneezed since birth (quite literally, she has always had that trait). She is still talking to me and I think eating. Noticed today. She is a 7 month old EE pullet who has not started laying. PLEASE HELP!!!
My chicken snowball is feeling bad! She has little energy and haven’t been walking around with the rest of the flock. She has been sitting down in the run. She has a little bit of an open mouth but she has been a sneezed since birth (quite literally, she has always had that trait). She is still talking to me and I think eating. Noticed today. She is a 7 month old EE pullet who has not started laying. PLEASE HELP!!!
Can you give her some vetrx? Bring her inside and give her fresh water and food. Try to see if she'll eat some yogurt with vitamins B complex and E . does she feel egg bound? How is her poo?
What are her poops like?
Idk rn
Can you get a pic?

She sits there but idk which ones hers
Has she been wormed recently?
She never has been. She has normal baby chick stuff

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