- Jun 7, 2023
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My hen has been acting strange since yesterday. She laid her first egg last Friday and hasn’t laid since. Yesterday she started to refuse food and hold her tail feathers down. She keeps to herself in the darkest part of coop, so I assumed she was egg bound, I didn’t feel anything on her abdomen though. We ended up giving her an epsom salt bath and she loved it. However she’s been pooping liquid with some reddish brown in it since yesterday morning, but it doesn’t look like blood to me? Not sure if it’s egg bound or a sickness? We did switch their feed to layer since we got our first egg last Friday. Not sure if that has something to do with it. When I let her roam the yard she’s happy and her tail feathers are normal and she walks around fine but doesn’t eat, just pecks. I tried feeding her scrambled eggs and crushed up egg shells with her food, but she refuses to eat that too. She use to get really chatty when I walked into the coop but now she doesn’t say anything