Help sudden illness 2nd duck now unwell


Jun 17, 2024
Hi, one of our runners seemed lethargic yesterday and had some watery poo around bum, I washed off and put her in run seperate from the others to see if she perked up after some rest, after a couple of hours she had flies on her that had laid eggs (I got this literally as they had laid) so bathed in washing up liquid and soaked her in Epsom salts so no eggs were left. I then put her in our outbuilding in a covered dog crate to rest...2 hours later she was dead.
I have woken up this morning to one of my other runners showing similar signs, watery poo, one eye closed and lethargic. I have bathed her bottom and put her in quarantine, I don't have an avian vet anywhere near me and I'm worrying I'm going to loose the entire to flock to whatever it is.
I also have a runner sitting on eggs and has been for the past 26 days.
If you get multiple deaths in a short amount of time I would contact your local extension office.

Are you hot and wet where you live? Coccidiosis comes to mind. Otherwise the symptoms are vague, and it could be many things. A duck that isn't cleaning itself is probably pretty unwell at that point. Without a vet it can be hard to pinpoint what's wrong, and get proper treatment.

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