Help!! What’s going on with my roo?


In the Brooder
May 5, 2024
He’s about 2.5 months old. I’ve had him quarantined for lethargy for a few days now & giving corid (he’s doing much better!). Every day I take him out in the yard for a bit and let him forage since he’s in my sun room the rest of the day. Today we were out maybe 10min and he made a sound then suddenly puffed up his feathers and started tipping over! I ran over to get him and he immediately stood back up acting completely normal, then he did it again about 1 min later! After that I put him back in his enclosure and he was completely normal, eating and drinking. It’s warm out but not overly hot (76°f). He has always had mobility issues but nothing serious. I took him to the vet a month ago, they did X-rays and said everything is normal maybe just a mild deformity or growing pains. Is all of this related??
I actually had that thought right after I posted this.. saw some other videos of chickens ‘falling over’ when sunbathing. Is it normal that he would puff out his feathers too? I feel bad for interrupting his sunbathing now lol

Yes. It's totally normal to puff up when sun bathing
Now I feel bad for interrupting him! Lol. I’ve been so worried about his health all week I’m on high alert for any change in behavior

Don't feel to bad. He'll do it again. It's natural to worry about our birds, and especially in you case, since he had some problems. Better safe than sorry! Fortunately, this is a very natural and positive behaviour to notice. I'd take it as a sign that he's feeling good

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