Hello all, I’m new here and have been reading so much info. My situation in a nutshell: we’d been watching one fertilized egg in our mama ducks nest. She abandoned the nest last Sat, 8/10. We gave her another day to see if she’d return and then put egg in incubator. I put it in lockdown because we presumed it was nearly time to hatch. 5 days ago, I think the baby internally pipped. I could hear tapping and peeping from the egg, and make out the shape of the beak. However the beak appeared to be pushing up on a membrane when I looked in while candling. Last night I made a safety hole in egg (presumably 4 days after internal pip) when I looked in the hole I could see the entire duck appears blanketed by white papery membrane. This morning I enlarged the safety hole and the entire duck that I can see is under the dry, white papery membrane. I can make out its beak. I applied Vaseline to the membrane reachable through the opening and then I could see many little blood vessels. At this point I’ve put the egg back in incubator and left it alone. It is still moving and peeping but no beak has broken through. What does anyone suggest for next steps? Thank you all! We are emotionally invested in this baby so of course it’s nerve-wracking!