Hey everyone,
We have 28 hens and 4 oosters (1 brahma and 3 silkie roos and might re-home 2 roos) and 6 ducks (2 male 4 females) in a 50'x50' covereed/enclosed run with a 10'x18' chicken coop and a small separate duck house inside the run. The birds are roughly 20.5 weeks old with a hatch date of 3/11/24. We have been getting 1-2 eggs per day (buffs appear to be laying those) for about a 1-2 weeks now, but wasnt sure if we should be getting more than that? The breed we have are a mixture of Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Eggers, Brahma, Black Laced wyandotte and splash ameracauna. They have PLENTY of access to egg layers feed inside hte coop and usualy take a big scoop outside for them in the morning and the nighttime. Ducks have been laying for about 1 week now consistently 2 eggs per day like clockwork.
From what I observe, the ducks do hoard the water a bit. We have a 7 gallon in the coop of which the ducks cant get to, and two 4 gallon waterers outside and the ducks will dirty the water pretty quickly, we do have a separate small duck pond in the run as well.
Perhaps its still just a bit early before they can start laying? Im used to my RIRs laying by now in the past...
We have 28 hens and 4 oosters (1 brahma and 3 silkie roos and might re-home 2 roos) and 6 ducks (2 male 4 females) in a 50'x50' covereed/enclosed run with a 10'x18' chicken coop and a small separate duck house inside the run. The birds are roughly 20.5 weeks old with a hatch date of 3/11/24. We have been getting 1-2 eggs per day (buffs appear to be laying those) for about a 1-2 weeks now, but wasnt sure if we should be getting more than that? The breed we have are a mixture of Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Eggers, Brahma, Black Laced wyandotte and splash ameracauna. They have PLENTY of access to egg layers feed inside hte coop and usualy take a big scoop outside for them in the morning and the nighttime. Ducks have been laying for about 1 week now consistently 2 eggs per day like clockwork.
From what I observe, the ducks do hoard the water a bit. We have a 7 gallon in the coop of which the ducks cant get to, and two 4 gallon waterers outside and the ducks will dirty the water pretty quickly, we do have a separate small duck pond in the run as well.
Perhaps its still just a bit early before they can start laying? Im used to my RIRs laying by now in the past...