Help with Favus


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2024
Hello! I think my girls have favus. I notices white on 3 of my 4 girls today :( are there any cures that are not topical? 2 of my girls are very skiddish and I don’t think I’ll be able to catch them to apply ointment every day, let alone multiple times a day. If I must do a topical, any recommendations? Thank you so much, I am worries for my girls.
Can you post some pictures of the combs? Sometimes there may be some white that is just some dryness of the skin, can't tell without seeing it. If you need to handle them, go out after dark or before the sun is up and take them off the roosts to do whatever needs to be done, they will be calmer then and easier to handle. For those that really pitch a fit, wrap them in a bath towel like a burrito, to hold their wings.
Hard to tell, my camera is not great. On my gray girl, it’s like little circles,almost like holes? She’s not letting me get a good look. My orange girl has the white spread out. On my black bird, it’s like little white circle at the top. She has always had bald spots near her beak since she was young, but she has like a white pearl at the top of her comb. I’ll try to get better pictures in the morning if these are not helpful :(


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The gray and black ones are a little blurry, but it appears that it's a healing injury on the gray. Could have been a peck injury or something got caught, hard to say. Do you have a rooster? That spot on the back of the comb can be injured when the roo hangs on with his beak when mounting. When the scab falls off there is sometimes a pale spot that will slowly fade. The orange looks pretty normal, a bit of dryness, but nothing to worry about. Does not look like favus. Color and dryness can vary with seasons and with hormones. The black is pretty blurry but I can't see anything that looks concerning.
Thank you so much for your reply, I do not have a rooster but my black bird acts like a rooster. She often will jump and pin down the others and can be a bully. My gray girl is #2 so possible she might have gotten a peck injury from my black beauty. That’s not great but a relief you don’t think it looks like favus! I tried to get a better picture of my black bird this morning to show the white. I tried to grab her for a better close up but she wasn’t having it. I’lol have to Try again when my husband is able to help, here are the pics I got this morning.


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I just realized how bad those pictures are also, I’ll get some good ones tonight after work and my husband can help catch her

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