Help with my hen who I cant figure out whats wrong with her. >:


Jul 4, 2024
I donno what to do and I have tried all options I can come up with for my poor little hen Ethel who's only little over a year old now. She got sick prior but had her separated from the flock and I feel she's sort of the runt and was picked on by one of our other hens, and she got to doing better, but then she suddenly dropped in health.

I feel it as a severe heat stroke but I still am struggling to get her do better.. she hasn't been acting or drinking past week and half or two and I have been trying hand feed and water her with a dropper until she really tries fight me to get her head away as in she really doesn't want anymore which is understandable cuz she had a full pouch (as I call it for front area even if I know that's not correct terms).

She has been laying down or standing sleeping, very lethargic, ect but today she was laying over on her side with eyes closed. When she opens her eyes she has her head waving side to side like ray Steven's I thinks his name, but I checked every other options it could been and she is fine past that all.

I even made sure spray her down and sat her in a bowl of water try cool her down till she made clear was done with it, but since I can't get enough food or water in her, and she has been toppling over and especually today she has been to where she just lays on her side. She's very malnourished and dehydrated looking.

I really don't wanna loose her and I'm doing everything I can for her and now I'm not sure what to do. I'm not able to take her to vets either. But it has been hecking super hot out lately especually today. She also did weird action when I held her unlike usual when I pick her up.

She likes to nuzzle against me any time we have had to apply medications or anything on her as she seems to see me as comfort, so she has been doing that to me too. If anyone may have helpful idea or suggestions I'd love any help given for her to try rescue my fav little gal.

Only good part so far today was giving her little powerade with the eye dropper because she acted like a thirsty man in a desert woo finally found water. So I donno if that will help or what else to use for her.

So sorry its ramble and all over the place, my autism tends to kick in at random on me and it gets bad at times I panic and worry about something.

Ethel is really dear to me so I really don't want to loose her like I had one of our others we had who got sick I wasn't able to help like I am determined to with her si ce my step dad is very picky about what goes on with the chickens and only he can mess with them except recently with Ethel here. >:

If anyone has any sort of help for information I am so greatly appreciative and then some. Today was worst I have seen her still. And I'm sure heat being bad out today isn't helping when she got seeming little better then had been.

I have a fan blowing n her and she is I side her kennel that is like a tiny house for how small she is and I have bowl water and some food also in there for her to help make her feel safe and comfortable. She has gotten used to it being herd since first time she fell a bit ill I think from over stressing.

I shared few pictures from earlier today when I went check on her and fed and watered her for how odd she did earlier since that action was sort of new. She does seem to still have good grip with her toes on my fingers when she does curl them around them. The video didn't want to load unfortunately.


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We need more information, can you answer the below questions?

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use

We need more information, can you answer the below questions?

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use

Sorry I for got a lot of the stuff to mention=>~<=

But seems when I was out earlier today taking my sibling for bday lunch I got text that she passed earlier today. Mostly because my step dad is not best with animals and quite neglectful. Not to mention he always just 'despises' of them if die in just ways I don't agree with cuz it's sorta more like um...'doesn't matter so they can be trashed' sort of thing with tossing em into our ditch or trash can. I'd orefure burying them if can but I wasn't able to do that or give her proper send offs.

But she was a mix breed of two rare breeds I forget names of because I never herd of them before. And I had a very large dog kennel for her place she liked going to be in with hay for bedding and always had bowl water and food for her she could access. And was plenty room because she was smaller in size.

My sibling and I feel it was mostlikely severe heat stroke that he wouldn't let me fully treat her for better until it was too far in and then was not able to place her inside the house to cool her down better then I was able to with what I had.

She had all symptoms of a severe heat stroke but had her head waving side to side when her eyes ere open usually.

But now she's passed away on me and I was too late to attempt ask for any I formation for help unfortunately. But thanks for reply and for questions I forgot add and such to answered better for her situations. I hope later if one my other few of her flock she was in gets something I am unsure of I am able to try and message to ask then for them. And able to try sooner then later on finding out what may be wrong.

But thank you again on the questions I forgot to add about her. 🥺💙 I'll tey remember in future to add them.
I'm sorry, I wish I could wrap you in a hug ❤️, you have a kind heart.
Thank you. She was honestly one of the Two I took most to over the whole flock we gotten year and half ago. I love them all of course but her and one other I took most to and Ethel who now passed away was my most favorite since first time we had put some natural rub stuff on their combs and under their wings to help with them getting small colds and such when was colder, she always nuzzled against me.

Which she did that every day every time I went out the multiple times to check on her and tend to her as best I could get her strength back up and such. I guess I was a comfort to her maybe. But it always made me feel good when she did too since I felt it helped make her feel some better especually when sick. She was such a good hen and one our best egg layers. I just wished I was able get her better sooner then I was able to and maybe would been able save her.

The heat and humidity here past few weeks have been in 90s and then few in the 100s, humidity made it almost or right at 106 but I was making sure to settle her into some cool water so I didn't give e her a cold shock from heat outside until she was cooled down and then I would make sure she was able keep cool with a fan as much as I could outside in her giant dog kennel we called her tiny house.

I feel really bad I wasn't able to figure out how to help her or able to think to seek help like when I found this site.

I'm still learning how chickens seem a bit different then used to when I was younger in my early teens. I'm my mid 30s now and first time got to own our own chickens.

Others were of friends who had some verieties of different sorts but none as what we have current.

But I still really thank you for trying help on the questions asked I didn't think to say on and for such kind words again about my gal and me being a total stranger . It really does mean a lot to me. 💙💙
I donno what to do and I have tried all options I can come up with for my poor little hen Ethel who's only little over a year old now. She got sick prior but had her separated from the flock and I feel she's sort of the runt and was picked on by one of our other hens, and she got to doing better, but then she suddenly dropped in health.

I feel it as a severe heat stroke but I still am struggling to get her do better.. she hasn't been acting or drinking past week and half or two and I have been trying hand feed and water her with a dropper until she really tries fight me to get her head away as in she really doesn't want anymore which is understandable cuz she had a full pouch (as I call it for front area even if I know that's not correct terms).

She has been laying down or standing sleeping, very lethargic, ect but today she was laying over on her side with eyes closed. When she opens her eyes she has her head waving side to side like ray Steven's I thinks his name, but I checked every other options it could been and she is fine past that all.

I even made sure spray her down and sat her in a bowl of water try cool her down till she made clear was done with it, but since I can't get enough food or water in her, and she has been toppling over and especually today she has been to where she just lays on her side. She's very malnourished and dehydrated looking.

I really don't wanna loose her and I'm doing everything I can for her and now I'm not sure what to do. I'm not able to take her to vets either. But it has been hecking super hot out lately especually today. She also did weird action when I held her unlike usual when I pick her up.

She likes to nuzzle against me any time we have had to apply medications or anything on her as she seems to see me as comfort, so she has been doing that to me too. If anyone may have helpful idea or suggestions I'd love any help given for her to try rescue my fav little gal.

Only good part so far today was giving her little powerade with the eye dropper because she acted like a thirsty man in a desert woo finally found water. So I donno if that will help or what else to use for her.

So sorry its ramble and all over the place, my autism tends to kick in at random on me and it gets bad at times I panic and worry about something.

Ethel is really dear to me so I really don't want to loose her like I had one of our others we had who got sick I wasn't able to help like I am determined to with her si ce my step dad is very picky about what goes on with the chickens and only he can mess with them except recently with Ethel here. >:

If anyone has any sort of help for information I am so greatly appreciative and then some. Today was worst I have seen her still. And I'm sure heat being bad out today isn't helping when she got seeming little better then had been.

I have a fan blowing n her and she is I side her kennel that is like a tiny house for how small she is and I have bowl water and some food also in there for her to help make her feel safe and comfortable. She has gotten used to it being herd since first time she fell a bit ill I think from over stressing.

I shared few pictures from earlier today when I went check on her and fed and watered her for how odd she did earlier since that action was sort of new. She does seem to still have good grip with her toes on my fingers when she does curl them around them. The video didn't want to load unfortunately.
She needs electrolytes and calcium. Oyster shells, but I back my girls egg shells and it provides calcium . Try shredded cheese or can corn and see if u can get her to eat. Chickens are finicky and do run into vitamin deficiencies. Also try turning a few rocks over outside and watch them get all the bugs. Should pick her back up . Good luck.
She needs electrolytes and calcium. Oyster shells, but I back my girls egg shells and it provides calcium . Try shredded cheese or can corn and see if u can get her to eat. Chickens are finicky and do run into vitamin deficiencies. Also try turning a few rocks over outside and watch them get all the bugs. Should pick her back up . Good luck.
Try creamed corn in ice cube trays. Watermelon and cucumber and blueberries. are great sources of water and antioxidant

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