- Sep 9, 2024
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I have a chicken acting strange! The past two days she stands still ..moves when I go near her still but I havent seen her eat or drink. Her crown is very red so not pale. Stopped laying eggs. And just kind of seems like a zombie. She is vaccinated for mereks. She's got runny poop but not bloody. orange in color. I gave her a warm bath (without Epsom because I only have lavender Epsom tablets and don't know if they are ok to use) she did fight it but I was able to catch her which I usually can't catch her. I seemed like a little poop was stuck in her vent I splshed water on it to see if that would help move things a long. I don't think she's eggbound I felt all around and couldn't feel anything however I don't know what I'm actually feeling for or where a bound egg would be