
Sep 9, 2024
I have a chicken acting strange! The past two days she stands still ..moves when I go near her still but I havent seen her eat or drink. Her crown is very red so not pale. Stopped laying eggs. And just kind of seems like a zombie. She is vaccinated for mereks. She's got runny poop but not bloody. orange in color. I gave her a warm bath (without Epsom because I only have lavender Epsom tablets and don't know if they are ok to use) she did fight it but I was able to catch her which I usually can't catch her. I seemed like a little poop was stuck in her vent I splshed water on it to see if that would help move things a long. I don't think she's eggbound I felt all around and couldn't feel anything however I don't know what I'm actually feeling for or where a bound egg would be


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Her comb does look a little pale to me. Can you post a picture of her poop? How old is she and when is the last time she laid? What do you feed including treats? Have any new birds been added to the flock recently? Can you feel her crop and see if it is empty? You say you have not seen her eat or drink, so you can check her tonight after she goes to roost so you don't have to chase her. If there is anything in her crop, let us know how it feels (hard, mushy, gritty, etc.). Then check again first thing in the morning before she has a chance to eat or drink anything and let us know if it's completely empty. Smell her beak to see if there's any kind of odor.
Her comb does look a little pale to me. Can you post a picture of her poop? How old is she and when is the last time she laid? What do you feed including treats? Have any new birds been added to the flock recently? Can you feel her crop and see if it is empty? You say you have not seen her eat or drink, so you can check her tonight after she goes to roost so you don't have to chase her. If there is anything in her crop, let us know how it feels (hard, mushy, gritty, etc.). Then check again first thing in the morning before she has a chance to eat or drink anything and let us know if it's completely empty. Smell her beak to see if there's any kind of odor.
I haven't seen her poop yet my bf saw it earlier and described it to me as orange and liquid. when I gave her a bath earlier I got no weird smells from her at all

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