Hematoma in a Weimaraner Anyone? Help?


10 Years
Aug 19, 2009
My poor puppy has a ruptured blood vessel in her ear. Well not in it but on the big floppy part of her ear. It is swollen and full of blood. Ice really helps reduce the swelling but then it just returns. It has maintained its size so it's stabilized and she isn't acting sore or like it hurts, but it looks scary. Anyone have any ideas on what we should do? The vet we talked to on the phone said it wasn't an emergency (which I believe), but would require surgery with stitches and everything. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!

By the way it's a 60lb female that's about 6 years old. Very healthy, runs 5-10 a day.
we had a golden lab that had this, he is right surgury is the only way to fix it ,
do not ignore this as it can set up a pretty nasty infection then it will drain puss instead as blood (ask my neighbor)
Ah, the aural hematoma. Not an emergency,but yes, your vet needs to fix it. The sutures will keep the pocket of blood from reforming, and they usually place a drain. They are usually caused by trauma (shaking her head and whacking the ear against something). She should be fine once it's fixed, but will probably need to wear an E-collar (lampshade) until it's healed. Weim wearing an E-collar = watch your shins!
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I have seen a few cases of hematomas that were not fixed by the vet, but healed on their own- it can leave the ear very misshapen and wrinkled. I also recommend having the veterinarian fix the ear:)
I'm sorry you're going through this. A vet needs to tend to it and remove the hematoma and stitch it. We once had a natural eared doberman and had many problems with this. Our vet put a "button" in the ear and it stopped it from happening again. I guess it just comes with the territory of having a floppy eared breed. GOod luck!
My Lucy had one around Christmas. I took her in and picked her up that night. The vet drained it and ran stitched down the middle to tack it together. Other than being a drunkin' punkin' for a day or so, she came out of it fine. The ear has healed up and looks great. You have to look to see where the problem was.

I was pretty careful with her head for the first couple of days, but the vet said not to wrap it and not to bother with the collar. She said the collar would just irritate the dog and wouldn't help the ear.

This is Lucy today. You can't even tell that there was a problem (it's her left ear).
I had an old dog Katie that has passed on but she had a hematoma on both ears (at different times) It was very painful for her. We got the surgery for her both times and her ears were not quite the same afterwards. Very wrinkly and funny looking.

See her ear?

Delta had one on her back from the seizures she had. We had it removed, her hair never grew back over the scar, but at least the hematoma was removed.
Awww... I'm so sad to have to do this today, but we're going to the vet at 10:30. Today she is finally showing signs of not feeling well. It has stayed about the same size with us applying ice to the ear but it keeps coming back. I hope her ear isn't too wrinkly after this. So sad.

Yes she loves to flap her ears and she is very clumsy on our wood floors when she runs.... which she knows she's not allowed to do. The other day she smacked her head against the corner to get to the front door when her favorite person came over. I'm sure that's what caused it.

I'm going to have to be more careful when I get visitors. It's the only time she goes crazy wanting to play and run. Otherwise she sleeps all day.

Thanks for all the help. I'm sure she'll be fine.... I was just hoping there was a way around the surgery. But it looks/sounds like it's not going to go away by itself. Thanks!!!
My dog got one in November and the vet put him on prednisone and it was gone in a day, no surgery. If it's not too bad, maybe that would be an option for you.....

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