I have a nearly 1 year old hen who raised her first clutch early this summer. She was a natural! The only negative I can say is I think she left them to rejoin her flock a little early (4 weeks), but everything worked out. She went broody again within a month but only 1 of her 5 eggs hatched. I decided to get some day olds with the hope she would adopt them. And she did! She took all 12 under her immediately. In the morning she brought them outside and showed them what to eat and drink. I thought I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome.
But something changed during the day. I came home to her aggressively attacking all the chicks but her own, and her chick was also attacking the others. I'm very grateful she didn't kill or injure any. So I took the chicks (including her own as I'm not going to raise them separately), kicked her out of the nursery, and set it back up for just the chicks. Any ideas what happened? And I'm wondering if it was a good idea to take her only chick away. She seemed to get over it quickly, I am more worried about the chick. They were together a week.
But something changed during the day. I came home to her aggressively attacking all the chicks but her own, and her chick was also attacking the others. I'm very grateful she didn't kill or injure any. So I took the chicks (including her own as I'm not going to raise them separately), kicked her out of the nursery, and set it back up for just the chicks. Any ideas what happened? And I'm wondering if it was a good idea to take her only chick away. She seemed to get over it quickly, I am more worried about the chick. They were together a week.