Hen breathing heavy and making noises with each breath


Oct 22, 2023
My 3 1/2 yo Bielefelder is making strange noises with each breath almost like colic…. Laying down, breathing heavy. Sneezing occasionally too. Open mouth breathing occasionally too. I brought her inside where it’s warm and offered electrolytes. I don’t know what else to do for her. None of my hens have ever done this. 😟😰 Wish I could upload video with audio. Should I offer her food? Eggs?


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For Video, upload to YouTube and provide a link or you can use the BYC Gallery, just let us know where to find it.

What does her crop feel like?
When was her last egg?
Does she have any bloat or feeling of fluid in the abdomen?
Any mucous, stuck debris or signs of canker inside the beak?

It may be that she has Stridor which is when a piece of food, mucous or similar gets into the airway. Usually this will resolve over the course of a day or so.

This is what Stridor can sound like
For Video, upload to YouTube and provide a link or you can use the BYC Gallery, just let us know where to find it.

What does her crop feel like?
When was her last egg?
Does she have any bloat or feeling of fluid in the abdomen?
Any mucous, stuck debris or signs of canker inside the beak?

It may be that she has Stridor which is when a piece of food, mucous or similar gets into the airway. Usually this will resolve over the course of a day or so.

This is what Stridor can sound like
My hen Dharma sounded just like the silkie in the video you posted. Must have been stridor. She was fine by morning. I’ve never encountered stridor before so I rather panicked. Her crop was mostly empty, her belly normal, and she doesn’t lay anymore. Nothing abnormal about her beak or mouth.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate it so much.

My hen Dharma sounded just like the silkie in the video you posted. Must have been stridor. She was fine by morning. I’ve never encountered stridor before so I rather panicked. Her crop was mostly empty, her belly normal, and she doesn’t lay anymore. Nothing abnormal about her beak or mouth.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate it so much.

Glad she's doing better!

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