Hen Crop Issues


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2024
I have a question about my Bielefelder hen 1 Year old. She has been getting sour crop so i treat her and when her crop would empty all the way and would eat and drink i would put her back with the flock. but then about three days later it would come back so i would have to help her empty her crop. she has had straw fiber in her poop, i have treated with miconazole. And apple cider vinegar, and she has been indoors for 2days. Her crop was empty yesterday and this morning it was small but squishy I can feel grit in her crop. This morning I treated her for worms. I'm just at a lost of why this keeps happening. I did give her plain Greek yogurt this morning as well. Any advice would be great
Is there a sour scent to her breath? If not it’s possible this is something else. I would try treating with copper sulfate and see what that can do. @Wyorp Rock can give you the dosage.
I have a question about my Bielefelder hen 1 Year old. She has been getting sour crop so i treat her and when her crop would empty all the way and would eat and drink i would put her back with the flock. but then about three days later it would come back so i would have to help her empty her crop. she has had straw fiber in her poop, i have treated with miconazole. And apple cider vinegar, and she has been indoors for 2days. Her crop was empty yesterday and this morning it was small but squishy I can feel grit in her crop. This morning I treated her for worms. I'm just at a lost of why this keeps happening. I did give her plain Greek yogurt this morning as well. Any advice would be great
Sounds like she may be getting a partial blockage in the digestive system with straw. Does she have Grit (Crushed Granite) available free choice?

Impacted crop can turn sour, but the impaction needs to be addressed too. An anti-fungal like Miconazole or Clotrimazole can be used to treat yeast infection. For impaction, give some coconut oil and perhaps a flush as discussed in the article below.

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