Hen diagnosed with cancer


Nov 18, 2023
Went to the vet today. She felt the inside of her vent and automatically knew she had ovarian cancer. The walls of her insides were bumpy and full of lumps. She couldn’t feel any specifically egg like material and there was no fluid still.

I’m heartbroken. She is my most friendly and calm hen and was always affectionate. But i’m accepting what is happening and trying to move onwards.

She received a hormone implant to stop any potential egg formation.

Does anyone have any stories about something like this, and any tips on how I can give her a good rest of her life.
Went to the vet today. She felt the inside of her vent and automatically knew she had ovarian cancer. The walls of her insides were bumpy and full of lumps. She couldn’t feel any specifically egg like material and there was no fluid still.

I’m heartbroken. She is my most friendly and calm hen and was always affectionate. But i’m accepting what is happening and trying to move onwards.

She received a hormone implant to stop any potential egg formation.

Does anyone have any stories about something like this, and any tips on how I can give her a good rest of her life.
I don’t know what to do. I’m absolutely devastated. She just sits and sits. I hate seeing her in so much pain.

I want to give her as long of a life as I can but seeing her decline will absolutely kill me.

Her poop is still green and small.

When her time comes I will euthanize her at my vet. I can’t bear to even think about it.
I'm so sorry about your girl's diagnosis.

My experience (limited as it is) is that birds in general decline very quickly. My experience with other pets is that once quality of life is gone, it is time to euthanize. If they have no joy in life, it is time to say goodbye.

My friend once said that pets will not miss being alive; it is only us who miss them. I think she is wise.
I'm so sorry about your girl's diagnosis.

My experience (limited as it is) is that birds in general decline very quickly. My experience with other pets is that once quality of life is gone, it is time to euthanize. If they have no joy in life, it is time to say goodbye.

My friend once said that pets will not miss being alive; it is only us who miss them. I think she is wise.
Thank you for your response. She has sisters who she loves very much and I am very close to my hens. She enjoy a large run and treats. I’m aiming for a few months, but the second she turns for the worse I think it will be time to let her go.

I can’t stop crying :(
It is hard to say goodbye to anyone or anything we love. But (for me, at least) it helps to remember that for the one who dies, it is just like being asleep. A peaceful sleep free from pain. It is just what I would wish for them, if they had been sick and hurting. For myself, though I miss them, I am left with the happy memories of our time together. Death cannot take those away from me.
It is hard to say goodbye to anyone or anything we love. But (for me, at least) it helps to remember that for the one who dies, it is just like being asleep. A peaceful sleep free from pain. It is just what I would wish for them, if they had been sick and hurting. For myself, though I miss them, I am left with the happy memories of our time together. Death cannot take those away from me.
That is beautiful. I really wish I could have that mindset. I've never experienced anything close to this and it's just a new kind of pain. But I know that when she flies to heaven she'll have rest. And I need to remember that the 3 years she's lived were happy and full of cuddles and time with her sisters. ❤️
Went to the vet today. She felt the inside of her vent and automatically knew she had ovarian cancer. The walls of her insides were bumpy and full of lumps. She couldn’t feel any specifically egg like material and there was no fluid still.

I’m heartbroken. She is my most friendly and calm hen and was always affectionate. But i’m accepting what is happening and trying to move onwards.

She received a hormone implant to stop any potential egg formation.

Does anyone have any stories about something like this, and any tips on how I can give her a good rest of her life.
Hi. She’s doing alright today. I was wondering if anyone had tips on what I can feed her to boost her health. I also was wondering if I should begin bulking her up a little so that she has more strength when the cancer gets a hold of her? I don’t want her to have crop issues, though.

I mixed flax seed into their feed to help prevent it to happening to my other hens.
Hi. She’s doing alright today. I was wondering if anyone had tips on what I can feed her to boost her health. I also was wondering if I should begin bulking her up a little so that she has more strength when the cancer gets a hold of her? I don’t want her to have crop issues, though.

I mixed flax seed into their feed to help prevent it to happening to my other hens.
When my hens went through molts and just looked and felt poor in general, I gave them a boost of protein every night. I wet their regular food down into a mash, sometimes with an electrolyte solution, added in a raw egg with the shell and some canned chicken. Nice and bland but packed full of protein…I would say it can’t hurt to give her a protein boost. Fighting cancer-wise…im not sure. Blueberries and broccoli are full of antioxidants.

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