Hen laid shell-less egg, now presenting with sour crop


May 9, 2020
Southern Ohio, US
We have a 4 year old Buff Orpington who I suspect laid a shell-less egg on top of the water bucket about a week ago. During that time, we had temperatures in the upper 90s, which may not have anything to do with the situation at hand but wanted to mention it anyway.

After that, she began to act different. Kind of keeping to herself, resting a lot more. Then, my daughter picked her up and liquid came out of her beak. That was about 5 days ago. Her crop isn’t hard at all, I don’t feel any impaction…it feels squishy. We tried treating with Monistat, which I’d had success with in the past with a different hen (who later passed from ascites/reproductive issues), but after a few treatments, didn’t have an effect and then she stopped eating completely so I don’t know how to get her to take it anyway. No longer eating, not really drinking, still walking around some but not much interest in anything. The liquid that comes pouring out is brown, stinks, and you can hear gurgling in her crop.

Basically, what can I do without her eating/drinking? She won’t willingly take anything I try to give her.

I’ve read that most times sour crop is a symptom of another issue that slows down the digestive tract. I’m wondering if she has a reproductive issue that’s really causing the real problem, given the egg I think she laid.

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks in advance!
Just wanted to add - no evidence of mites/lice, etc however they’ve not been dewormed for a few years now. Not sure if that’s something I should consider? (Also, if necessary how to get her to take it as it’s not liquid I could syringe into her beak? Same with the Monistat.)

This hen has never been quite as food motivated as some of the others. The previous hen we lost a while back to ascites ate (so was easy to medicate) right up until she passed.

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