Hen not laying yet


Aug 14, 2018
I have a Salmon Favorolle hatched March 27th who doesn't seem to want to lay. I have a Barred Rock and Welsummer hatched the same time that are laying. Perhaps her eggs are similar to my Barred Rock and I'm not giving her credit? (I don't think so.) She likes to sit up in the nest box, but does nothing. Has she gone broody? Seeking advice or suggestions?
If you live somewhere that days are getting shorter it might just be that she won't lay until after the solstice. Chickens end up a bit conflicted as their hormones are telling them they are near maturity and should lay, but the shortening days trigger their hormones to stop laying. You never know quite what's going to happen the first year. As long as she appears in good condition/healthy, I wouldn't worry too much.
Winter is coming which means that the days are short and their is less and less sunlight. Either your hen will lay very soon or wait until spring. I knew a hen that was 11 months old until it first laid!!:eek:
I'd just give it a while, as mentioned above, winter is coming. Not all of my pullets are laying yet either, some of my pullets that were hatched in the spring before didn't lay until the following spring.
I'm sure your girl is okay :)

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