In the Brooder
Hi all
About a month ago I bought a straight run of chicks from a fabulous local breeder. I ended up getting 2 Mille fleur d'uccle, 2 mystic marans, 2 Buff black copper marans X, and 2 Wyandotte Maran X. The chicks that I have become most attached to are the Buff X, they have been almost "cuddly" and very personable. But now I'm thinking they are both roos. Both are 4 weeks old and have well developed combs with waddle development. They have have combs since they were a few days old so maybe they could still be hens??? I don't know, it could still be too early to tell but I thought I'd see if anyone has any thoughts

About a month ago I bought a straight run of chicks from a fabulous local breeder. I ended up getting 2 Mille fleur d'uccle, 2 mystic marans, 2 Buff black copper marans X, and 2 Wyandotte Maran X. The chicks that I have become most attached to are the Buff X, they have been almost "cuddly" and very personable. But now I'm thinking they are both roos. Both are 4 weeks old and have well developed combs with waddle development. They have have combs since they were a few days old so maybe they could still be hens??? I don't know, it could still be too early to tell but I thought I'd see if anyone has any thoughts